Question Read again the expressions used in making a Personal Letter then answer the questions below based on the text provided! Surabaya, 1...
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    Read again the expressions used in making a Personal Letter then answer the questions below based on the text provided!

    Surabaya, 1 February 2017

    What a pity

    How are you? I hope everything is fine with you. I'm fine here. We're going to take the national exam, right? Have you prepared well for this? To be honest, I had a hard time preparing for this, especially in Science class. There were extra classes at my school and I took them all. But I feel they are not helpful. I'm still confused about solving math problems. I'm just worried that I will fail the national exam. Do you have any suggestions for me? Thank you for your help.

    I hope to hear from you.

    your friend,


    What is the content of the letter to us?
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